Monday, February 2, 2009's me...

Hi again people. I only got about some minutes here so I'll be brief. Today was the first day of second semester. Hoo can you belive it?! I can't because it's so fast, but I can because I'm livin' it! Anyhoo, I have 3 periods in my school. I only go there for half the school day because I'm a part time student-I do the rest through my local off-campus schooling. My new classes for this year are Psychology for 4th period, German II and Airbrush Painting. I'm excited! I met-no actually reacquainted with an old kid I knew when I was in KinderCare. She asked me if I ever went to the day care and I said yes (i was confused because i never saw her before and didn't knew that she knew that!). So I said yes and she's like okay I remember you because you eyes never changed. She said that's how she remembered me! What a small world! It's a small world after all...geez how old is that song?! Anyway the rest of the day went great except when my Psychology teacher made a symbol that he said that meant a part of the brain that controlled the sexual drive and emotions in people. My mom said he probably didn't realized it, but he made a symbol of Satan. That really made me feel weird. And uncomfortable a little bit. but other than that my day was good. I got to see old friends and new during lunch and reunited with one of my best friends in Airbrush. That class is gonna be FUN!!! Oh! now I need to go! Good night and God bless you all!


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