Monday, January 26, 2009

Big-o-day man...sigh...

Hey it's been awhile...stuff, life, books...boooooooks...boys(shudder twitch twitch)...yeah the usual. I guess the real reason I haven't been blogging is 'cause I haven't either thought of it, or I don't do it 'cause I'm busy readin' this!!! Yay pictures!

Here's where I am!!!
*sighs in awe...(not like "it's adorable" awe but "i'm in heaven" awe you dig?)* So yeah this is book is the 6th one of the Left Behind series. I'm gonna spoil it a bit so please bear with me: the story basically starts of at the Rapture. It has a capital "r" because it is the Rapture from the Bible. For those who are sadly ignorant (or indifferent-your choice), the rapture is foretold in the book of Revelation-the last book of the New Testament and of the Bible. The Rapture is when Jesus Christ came down to earth to "rapture" his true church as so they do not see the destruction, death and fall of man for about the next seven years. I say true church because Jesus-and God-takes those who have put aside their pride and worldly possessions and admit with their mouths that they are a sinner, and they need God to forgive them of their sins and to stay with them their whole lives. God knows the hearts and minds of everybody, so even if you try to fake it God will know the farce you're cookin' up. I'm sorry if I am offending you, making you angry or anything of the like; I only say this because I don't want anyone to be left behind, because after the Rapture...unheard able things will come and pass; as the Bible says, predicted it would. if you are sincere, are fed up with what ugliness and sin the world offers you must pray.
Pray to God: God I know I am a sinner. I am fed up with the world and I'm fed up with my sin. I want to change and only Jesus Christ can get me to you. I confess with my mouth (the Bible says you must confess with your mouth not your mind) that Jesus died on the cross for every body's sin and my own. I confess that Jesus is the only way to you God. I'm tired of being in charge-you take charge of my life, change me, heal me. I confess I've sinned against you and I beg you to forgive me and take me back home with you. Amen.
Whew what a mouthful huh? if you can't say this now (i really don't expect that but who knows?), then please think about it. You don't want to wake up to find out that your family is gone and that you're left behind. The Left Behind series is fiction, but has the biblical theme of Revelation. It is the author's interpretation of what will happen after the Rapture. To find out read the books! Or ask me or my family about this-we will freely and eagerly give you the answers as best we can.
Anyway on that cheery note look what I found in my camera...

My baby brother! I don't say this much but he really is a handsome boy. And in this picture he looks real cute huh? This was taken about a couple weeks to a month ago or whenever we got our spore game.

Anyhoo I need to get to bed for some good shut-eye because I got to study math (ugh) and work something fierce on some papers (ugh again). Chow mein everybody! And God bless!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Math test today...ugh...

Hello people. Today my mom dropped me off to the off-campus place to take a long-awaited-delayed math test from before the break. I feel real good about it but there was this one problem that really STUMPED me! I got a little frustrated. then I remembered how I did similar problems and got it. Whoo!!! Then later Mom dropped me to school and I worked. Then Mom picked me up and I got home. Soon after she left my belly wanted food...BAD. Fortunately (man i sound proper...), Jeromy came home and he, me and Kentee had a real early dinner of...

Chicken and rice with salad!!! Ba dum bump!

*utter silence, then one cough*

Alright alright that may not sound so appealing (where the heck am i getting these words?! my head?!) but we enjoyed it. Thanks Mom! Wish you were here...that's a name of a song from Pink Floyd-I listen to their songs while I sleep. Then I played Spore (that's a computer game that's real fun. i really recommend it!) and made a new planet. Then me and Kentee had to a lot of laundry which I really don't enjoy...grr...then we all relaxed on our own and now I'm doing the blog with Mom's kind urging. L for love Mommy!

Okay now my tummy hurts, I gotta go. Chow mein everybody!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

...Is there anybody in there?...

Mom wanted me to blog. So here I am. Bye now.


*crickets sing*


Hey! You didn't think I'd leave y'all hangin' like that huh!? Well I won't, so there!!! Anyway one of the reasons I haven't been blogging is because of this...Eh!?!? I can't find the thing that does the thing! Oh you didn't catch that? I meant that I can't find the right folder-thingie that holds my pictures and that means I can't put them on right now. Phooie. I'll need to ask Mom tomorrow. Anyway I was gonna put a picture of two books I borrowed from my friend K.H.(i say both her first and last name don't ask me why-'cause i don't know). Back to the drawing board, school started again yesterday but it was two-hours delayed because we got SNOW! AGAIN(i hope i got that right 'cause i'll feel like a dope and laugh at myself)! Anyhoo, it was good to get back into the routine again and see everyone and do stuff. You know that feeling when you're cooped up in one place too long with the same people? I think us here were gettin' there...

...Augh! Is that the time!? I need to go! I'll get in trouble if I'm not in bed on time-which means no video games. Wahh!

So, bye!

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